La Kube Man Performance Series si basa sulla citazione “All Men Are Created Equal” (Tutti gli uomini sono creati uguali), tratta dalla Dichiarazione d’Indipendenza degli Stati Uniti, scritta da Thomas Jefferson nel 1776 durante la Rivoluzione Americana. Il secondo paragrafo della Dichiarazione di Indipendenza afferma che “Riteniamo che queste verità siano evidenti, che tutti gli uomini sono creati uguali, che il loro Creatore li dota di alcuni diritti inalienabili, che tra questi sono la vita, la libertà e la ricerca della felicità”.
Quando guardate l’uomo Kube, in realtà state guardando voi stessi. Questo vi fa capire che voi e io siamo una cosa sola e che siamo tutti esseri umani. Comprendendo che siamo parte dell’ecosistema del pianeta Terra, possiamo iniziare a prenderci cura gli uni degli altri e dell’ambiente, e pensare alle generazioni future.
Il mio lavoro si basa sull’astrazione geometrica e il cubo ha un ruolo centrale nella mia proposta. Rappresenta un simbolo di armonia, gratitudine, unità, compassione ed equilibrio nella nostra vita interna ed esterna. Il mio obiettivo è raggiungere un’evoluzione consapevole dell’umanità per creare un mondo più armonioso e sostenibile per le generazioni presenti e future.
Dal 2017 mi esibisco con la mia serie Kube Man in oltre 30 città della Florida. Inoltre, sono stato invitato a esibirmi a New York City, Houston, Texas, Vancouver, Canada e Tijuana, Messico.
“If the doors of perception were purified, everything would appear before man as it is: infinite. Well, man has closed in on himself until he sees through the narrow slits of his cave “” (W.Blake)
These ideas are transformed into the performance of the “Cube-Man” or “Kube-Man” dressed as an astronaut with the face covered with a cube-mirror, where through the reflection the artist merges with his environment, symbolically escaping his ego and epistemological dualism (Yo-Tu). The upper part of the mirror cube unites the uranic, the stellar with the telluric, creating a coincidence of opposites. We are before the individual as a microcosm united to the macrocosm visually and conceptually. This curious stellar wanderer walks carelessly among the city covered in white color that is one and all, associated with purity, enlightenment. And when an unsuspecting passersby approaches him, he is surprised both by the strange presence and by seeing himself reflected in it. Instead of finding the face of the cubic walker he finds himself, a reencounter of the self with the self is established (I = I), which recalls the silence of the Being when isolating itself, when withdrawing itself like a snail to meet its dimension inside. Just as the “Cube-Man” becomes part of the cosmos, with his suit he erases his individuality and through the cubic form he expresses the whole, a symbol that since ancient times represents the elements of which the universe would be formed: Earth, water, air and fire … When walking through the city, this cubic walking mirror causes the other to break with the illusion that we are isolated islands on the planet, when in reality humanity is a biomass that breathes the same air, is caressed by them solar radiation, and the same chemical elements that make up stars, planets, satellites circulate in the blood and are dispersed in our corporeity. The artist proposes a Socratic self-knowledge dominated by rational discourse, such as the Cartesian “I think and then I exist” but transformative and experiential as is typical of Eastern philosophy that could be synthesized in “Being and then I exist.”